2025 - All Construction Projects

2025 Annual Advisory and Weekly Construction Updates

Northeast Region Weekly Construction Advisory

Weekly updates for April 29 to May 10, 2019

Welcome to construction information for every state highway construction project currently underway in northeast Wisconsin! This website is published by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Northeast Region. Here you can find details and detours on any active state highway construction project in our 11-county area. Updates include a two-week description of construction operations taking place, traffic impacts, detours, schedule, cost, and project location/limits. Please remember that all work and traffic impacts are weather dependent. If you would like daily updates, please follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/WisDOTnortheast. Want to know all the highway construction projects coming up this year? Just check out the 2019 Annual Construction Advisory right here.

In case you’re unsure if your county is in our WisDOT region, here is a list: Brown, Calumet, Door, Fond du Lac, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, Outagamie, Sheboygan, and Winnebago.

If you have any questions, please give me a call or shoot me an email. I’d be happy to respond.

Safe travels!
Mark Kantola, Regional Communications Manager
Mark.Kantola@dot.wi.gov, (920) 492-4153



WIS 172/Fox River Bridge Painting

Location/limits: WIS 172 Bridge over Fox River in the villages of Ashwaubenon and Allouez

Schedule: August 6, 2018 to November 2019 (no work in winter months)

Length of project: 0.75 miles

Cost: $7.833 million

Description of work: Blasting and painting of steel girders under the bridge. Temporary causeway installed in Fox River to allow equipment access to barges.

April 29 to May 4: The contractor continued to blast clean the steel girders in Spans Two and Three. The Ashwaubomay Trail is closed while the contractor is blast cleaning and painting west end of the bridge.

May 5 to May 10: The contractor plans on continuing to blast clean the steel girders and begin to paint the primer coat in the blast cleaned areas.

Traffic impacts: Off-peak lane closures on WIS 172 and WIS 57 (Riverside Drive). Continuous shoulder closures on WIS 172 to delineate containment system brackets on the bridge parapets. Flagging operations and various night closures of the Fox River Recreational Trail and Ashwaubomay Recreational Trail directly under the bridge. Boat traffic should be mindful of construction barge traffic and containment systems hanging below the bridge girders.




US 45 Village of Eden Reconstruction

Location/Limits: US 45 from Elm Street to the north village limits in Eden

Schedule: April 2, 2019 to fall of 2019.

Length: .66 miles

Cost: $2,896,370.44

Description of work: The US 45 reconstruction project will fully reconstruct the portion of US 45 within the Eden village limits and 400-feet of County B. Reconstruction includes complete removal and replacement of the highway structure. Project also includes replacement of large culvert on County Road B (Fall 2018), widen and replace railroad crossing at County B and remove signals (Fall 2018), widen roadway 1 – 2 feet, replace terraces in kind, replace storm sewer, bump-out at mid-block crossing on Fond du Lac Avenue, curb & gutter, signing and pavement markings.

April 29 to May 3: Storm sewer was completed on Main Street. Grading crew will continue to grade and place gravel on Main Street.

May 6to May 10:   Storm sewer crew will start installing storm sewer along Fond du Lac Ave. Grading crew will finish placing gravel on Main Street. Concrete paving crew will be onsite preparing for paving and possibly paving the westbound lane of Main Street.

Traffic impacts: US 45 and County B will be CLOSED to through traffic from April 2, 2019 to fall of 2019.

Detour: US 45 detour route:

  • Southbound US 45: Take US 45 to southbound US 151 southbound to I-41 southbound to WIS 28 eastbound.
  • North bound US 45:       Take US 45 to westbound WIS 28 to northbound I-41

County B detour route:

  • Southbound County B: Take US 45 to southbound County W to westbound to County F to northbound County V.
  • Eastbound County B:       Take County V to eastbound County F to northbound County W.

Project Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis45resurface/




Waldo Blvd (US 10) Reconstruction

Location/limits: US 10/Waldo Blvd in the city of Manitowoc from County R to Maritime Drive

Length of project: 1.18 miles

Construction schedule: April 2019 to December 2019

Description of work: Urban reconstruction from 14th Street to Maritime Drive. The reconstruction segment will include a four-lane roadway with wider shoulders, sidewalk replacement, water main, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and curb/gutter. Construction of a roundabout at WIS 42 and Maritime Drive intersection and realignment of Menasha Avenue intersection will also take place. Work also includes signal replacement at the intersections of 11th Street, and 8th Street (County B). A resurfacing/reconstruction project north of 14th Street will take place in 2020.

April 29 to May 3: The contractor continued storm sewer installation heading west from the Little Manitowoc River. Crews replaced water services along the route and began work on water main. Grading crews finished with excavation and base aggregate placement in the area of the roundabout on Waldo / Maritime / Memorial.

May 6 to May 10: The paving contractor will begin concrete pavement in the roundabout. Crews will also begin placement of curb and gutter. Sewer crews will continue storm sewer work from 5th Street working west. Crews will also continue water main installation between 8th Street and 5th Street.

Traffic impacts: Waldo Blvd. is closed in portions of the work zone during construction. WIS 42 traffic is detoured for construction of the roundabout. North / South traffic is maintained along Maritime Drive and Memorial Drive.

Detour: The detour route follows I-43 to WIS 310. Please see project website for specific detour information.

Website: https://projects.511wi.gov/waldo/



WIS 26 Resurfacing

Location: WIS 26 from the south county line to I-41 in the city of Oshkosh

Schedule: April 29, 2019 to July 19, 2019

Length: 4.3 miles

Cost: $2.3 million

Description of work: Work includes milling/resurfacing of existing roadway, replacement of three culverts, beamguard, shoulder gravel, permanent signing, and pavement marking.

April 29 to May 3:  Contractor plans to begin survey layout and erosion control work on Monday, April 29.  An inside lane closure will be set up on WIS 26 in both directions, from Planeview Drive to CTH N, in order to saw, remove, and replace sections of curb and gutter. Flagging operations are planned to take place between County N and the County FF, at the south limits of the property in order to saw existing driveways and intersections at the construction limits.

May 6 to May 10: Contractor plans to continue to remove and replace curb and gutter utilizing inside lane closures.

Traffic Impacts: Starting Monday, April 29, there will be inside lane closures in both directions between Plainview Road to County N, which will reduce WIS 26 to one open lane in each direction during this time.  These two inside lanes should remain closed until Friday, May 10.  There will be flagging for sawing and milling operations on the remainder of the project during this time. A full closure with a signed detour is planned for WIS 26 starting Monday, May 13 and extending until Friday, May 24 at noon. WIS 26 will be open for Memorial Day weekend.

Project website: http://projects.511wi.gov/wis441/


WIS 116, Wolf River Bridge and Approaches

Location/Limits: WIS 116 bridge and approaches, village of Winneconne 2nd Street to 2nd Avenue

Length of Project: 0.322 miles

Schedule: September 2017 to September 2019

Cost: $11.4 Million

Description of work: 2019 work includes construct two new fishing platforms in the location of existing bridge that extend out roughly 220 feet from each river bank. All other work is completed.

April 29 to May 3: The contractor will continue to work on the fishing platforms.

May 6 to May 10: The contractor will continue to work on the fishing platforms.

Traffic impacts: Possibility of short term lane shifts on STH 116 near 1st Street. The sidewalk is closed on the north side of WIS 116 between 1st Street and 1st Avenue.

Project website: https://projects.511wi.gov/wis116/


WIS 441 Tri-County Expansion Project: US10/WIS 441 Mainline/Oneida Street Interchange

Location: City of Appleton/Village of Fox Crossing/City of Menasha

Length of project: 3.2 miles

Schedule: April 2018 to November 2019

Cost: $41.1 million

Description of work: This work is part of the WIS 441 Tri-County Expansion Project. The work under this contract in 2019 consists of the reconstruction of US 10/WIS 441 from Appleton Road to one mile west of Telulah Avenue, increasing the highway from two lanes in each direction to three lanes. The project also reconstructed the Oneida Street (US 10) interchange in 2018.

April 29 to May 3:  Noise wall construction will continue with access preparation, drilling and setting the new posts then panels. The contractor will be constructing embankment at County OO, installing electrical & ITS facilities, sign structures bases, breaker run, base aggregates, retaining wall construction, removal of pavement & asphalt and installing storm sewer at various locations throughout the project.

May 6 to May 10: Noise wall construction will continue with access preparation, drilling and setting the new posts then panels. The contractor will be constructing embankment at County OO, installing electrical & ITS facilities, sign structures bases, breaker run, base aggregates, retaining wall construction, removal of pavement & asphalt, trimming, concrete paving and installing storm sewer at various locations throughout the project.

Traffic Impacts: Oneida Street and the WIS 441/Oneida St. interchange are now open. There will be various lane, ramp, and mainline closures at different times, throughout the duration of the project. Prior notification of those closures will be on project website, message boards, news releases and social media, along with guidance to preferred routes.

Project website: http://projects.511wi.gov/wis441/
