I-43 Safety Rest Area Replacement
This website details proposed reconstruction and improvements scheduled for Safety Rest Area 51 Maribel southbound and Safety Rest Area 52 Denmark northbound along I-43 in Manitowoc County.
- NEW – Work is scheduled to begin follow the 2025 NFL Draft in Green Bay with a full closure of the rest areas to all forms of traffic.
Project location
The rest areas are located on I-43 in Manitowoc County, just south of the Brown County line, on both sides of the interstate. The specific location is Section 3, Township 21 North, Range 22 East in the town of Cooperstown, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.
Project purpose and need
The purpose is to preserve the function of the rest area facilities in the safest and most efficient means available, and to support of crash reduction on the interstate system. Rest areas increase safety and efficiency by providing off-road locations for drivers to rest, sleep, change drivers, and check vehicle loads and/or minor mechanical problems.
Project benefits
- Addressing roadway deficiencies, including pavement deterioration, ramp shoulders, and beam guard
- Significantly increasing commercial motor vehicle parking capacity by adding 72 commercial truck parking spaces
- Increasing high mast lighting in commercial motor vehicle parking lot to enhance personal security for truck drivers
- Modernizing the facilities and sites, including restroom facilities, ADA accessibility, and pedestrian access
- Adding an oversize-overweight staging area to support trucks hauling oversized loads.
WisDOT proposes a complete replacement of the travel center facilities at both Safety Rest Area 51 and Safety Rest Area 52 on either side of I-43 in Manitowoc County. All work would remain within the existing rest area boundaries. Proposed construction includes:
- Full razing (removal) and construction of new rest area buildings.
- NEW as of OCTOBER 2024: Parking lot improvements include pavement replacement and expansion of the Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV) and recreational vehicles lot.
- Improvements now include additional 71 new semi parking spots.
- An additional area for staging of area for Oversize Overweight (OSOW) vehicles will be provided.
- Maintenance garages at both locations razed and replaced.
- Reconstruction of ramps and roadways to rest areas.
- Landscaping, sidewalks, walkways, and other site amenities.
- New facilities designed for ADA compliance.
- New family-assisted restrooms
- These restrooms will include baby and adult changing stations. Project intend to have the family-assisted adult changing station to be sized for full ADA compliance with power lift capability.
Project displays and exhibits are attached below.
- See Rest Area Design Exhibits and Display (4-page pdf)
- Construction is anticipated to begin following the 2025 NFL Draft.
- Crews will conduct clearing and grubbing operations for one week in March of 2025.
Traffic and facility use during constructionÂ
The rest areas buildings and other location will require closures during construction.
- The rest areas will be fully closed for one-week in March 2025 for brush and tree clearing.
- A full closure of entire site will be required to complete construction.
- Some lane closures on I-43 will occur.
Right of way needs
Right of way acquisitions are not anticipated as part of this project.
Public comments
Your comments are important to us to obtain input that will assist the department in the further development and refinement of a final design. We are looking to obtain information on how you use the rest area facilities and any specific comments or concerns you may have about the facilities that will assist the department in finalizing our design. Please email or call WisDOT project managers Joseph Coughlin or Biren Patel with comments or questions. You can also use the below pre-paid mailer and mail to Mr. Coughlin or Mr. Patel. You can also take the online survey with just one click.
- Download project comment form (with pre-paid mailer)
- Tell us what you think via online survey
A public involvement meeting took place on October 12, 2022.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, comments or feedback you may have.
Joseph Coughlin, P.E., Project Manager
WisDOT – Bureau of Highway Maintenance
Hill Farms State Office Building
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53705
(608) 261-8975