Project Overview
NEW: Construction begins March 31, 2025.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) invites you to a construction information meeting (CIM) for upcoming work on WIS 57 from Summit Road to County Q in Baileys Harbor. Work is scheduled to begin at the end of March.
WIS 57 Construction Information Meeting
- When: The meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 24, 2025, at 1 p.m.
- Where: The meeting will take place at the Baileys Harbor Town Office located at 2392 County Road F in Baileys Harbor.
- The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the proposed schedule of work, traffic staging and impacts, and vehicular access during construction operations with property owners and businesses.
Project location
The project is located on WIS 57 from Summit Road to County Q (south intersection) in the town of Baileys Harbor, Door County, WI. The project length is approximately 1.5 miles.
Project improvements
Construction elements for this project include the following:
- Mill and overlay the existing asphaltic pavement travel lanes and parking lanes
- Replace isolated portions of curb and gutter
- Add pedestrian cross walk locations
- Replace and upgrade sidewalk curb ramps to ADA standards
- Replace the following culverts located under WIS 57:
- 250’ north of Frogtown Road
- 250’ north of Ridges Road
- 400’ north of Ridges Road
- 900’ south of the County Q (south)
- Remove and upgrade guardrail at Frogtown Road
- New pavement markings
- The pavement marking of the parking stalls will be performed separately by the town of Baileys Harbor.
Please review the below displays for more information.
Contractor expects is to begin construction on Monday, March 31 and finish prior to noon, July 3, 2025. If work remains after July 3, the contractor will come back after the summer tourist season concludes.
- This is a 55 working day contract, which equates to approximately three to four months of work.
- Work will be suspended in July and August for peak summer traffic and could restart after Labor Day 2025 if any construction operations remain (such as for inclement weather delays).
- The contractor is targeting noon on July 3, 2025, to complete work, but some work may remain.
- Please check back on this website for any future updates to contractor schedule of operations.
Traffic impacts
WIS 57 will remain open to traffic throughout construction.
- Motorists should expect lane closures and flagging operations in the work zone.
- Please pay attention to all signage and directions when driving in the work zone.
- Park Road will be closed at the WIS 57 intersection while work in that area is completed.
- There will be no detour provided.
- Local and emergency access will be maintained to properties at all times.
In This Together program for businesses
WisDOT recognizes businesses located in work zones have special needs. It’s critical that customers have access to businesses and that they continue to visit them, regardless of any road work inconvenience. WisDOT’s In This Together program is offered to business and community leaders as an idea source as they plan for road construction in their area. On the In This Together, businesses can find a specially designed Business Coordination Guide for businesses to succeed during a highway construction project. It includes information on:
- Planning ahead
- Staying informed and keeping customers informed
- Tips for businesses
This project has a dedicated construction project leader. Please contact the construction leader for any construction-related questions. Please contact the WisDOT manager for any other inquires.
Construction Project Leader
Matthew Courtney, Project Construction Leader
Collins Engineers, Inc.
(432) 234-2777
WisDOT Project Manager
Paul Brauer, P.E., Project Manager
WisDOT Northeast Region
944 Vanderperren Way
Green Bay, WI 54304
(920) 492-5629