Project Overview
This project is expected to begin construction in April 2025 with closures and detours. 
Project location
This project is located on 9.9 miles of WIS 32 from County D/Union Avenue in the village of Cedar Grove to WIS 28 near the village of Sheboygan Falls in Sheboygan County.
Project need
The purpose of this project is to address deteriorating pavement, roadway deficiencies, and failing drainage structures on WIS 32. Multiple culverts are in need of replacement before a failure could affect drainage along the roadway or affect the integrity of the roadway. Multiple curb ramps in Cedar Grove are currently not ADA compliant. Additionally, the beam guard is aging and outdated.
Project improvements
This is a resurfacing and culvert replacement project. Construction elements include:
- Five large box culvert replacements (this will require hard closures at the culvert locations)
- Mill two inches of the existing surface and pave two inches with hot mix asphalt (HMA)
- Minor inlet repairs
- Replace beamguard
- Reconstruction of curb ramps in Cedar Grove
- Pavement marking
Project benefits
Providing motorists with a new surface will improve the smoothness of ride for drivers and help to minimize wear on their vehicles. An extension of the pavement life will lead to a decrease in future maintenance costs of the roadway as well. Culvert replacements will assist in the efficient transport of water and help to avoid flooding in the event of a significant rainfall event. The replacement of deteriorating beam guard systems will help to protect motorists who leave the roadway from areas of steep slopes or other safety hazards.
Construction schedule
- Construction is anticipated to begin in April 2025 and end in late October 2025.
There will be hard closures at each culvert crossing. No vehicles will be permitted to cross. WIS 32 will be CLOSED AND DETOURED in two phases to limit disruption to the traveling public.
Phase 1 WIS 32 closure and detour: Begins in April 2025.
- WIS 32 will be closed to through traffic for box culvert replacements between County D and County V on Monday, March 31.
- Detour: Motorists will be directed to use I-43 and County V.
- This is expected to last 4-5 months.
- Detour: Motorists will be directed to use I-43 and County V.
Phase 2 WIS 32 closure and detour: Begins after Phase 1 ends. 
- WIS 32 will be closed to through traffic for box culvert replacement between County V and WIS 28.
- Detour: Motorists will be directed to use County V, I-43, and WIS 28.
- This is expected to last 2-3 months.
- Detour: Motorists will be directed to use County V, I-43, and WIS 28.
Detour route: View both WIS 32 detour routes on a map (pdf)
- Local and emergency services access to properties in the work zone will always be maintained.
- During resurfacing operations, WIS 32 will remain open with lane closures and flagging operations.
- Please pay attention to signage in the work zone.
- There will be no access across the culvert locations when construction is underway at the culvert locations.
- Shoulders may be closed at times for guardrail or small culvert work.
Temporary business signing
If business access is impacted by a closure or detour, temporary business signing may be placed by filling out a WisDOT business signing permit. All temporary business signing needs approval via the permit before placement to ensure it is in a safe location and does not pose a visual distraction or traffic hazard. The temporary business signing permit is free. Costs associated with creating the temporary sign are the responsibility of the business.
- Click the below link for instructions and a link to a fillable-form WORD application for the permit.
- Please email or mail the free permit to any of the contacts below.
Business Resource: WisDOT’s In This Together program
WisDOT recognizes businesses located in work zones or impacted by detour routes have special needs. WisDOT’s In This Together program is offered to businesses, organizations, and community leaders as an idea source as they plan for road construction in their area. It includes promotional examples, case studies, and a specially designed Business Coordination Guide with information on:
- Planning ahead
- Staying informed
- Keeping customers informed
- Tips for businesses
Project contacts
A construction project leader will be onsite during construction. For all construction-related question, please contact the onsite project leader. For all other questions, please contact the WisDOT Project Manager below.
Construction Project Leader
Tim Bessette, HNTB
Phone: (707) 364-4285
WisDOT Project Manager
Sarah Ericson, P.E., Project Manager
Wisconsin Department of Transportation – Northeast Region
944 Vanderperren Way Green Bay, WI 54304
Phone: (920) 492-3511