Project Overview
The purpose of the project is to address safety, route importance, and traffic congestion at the US 18/151 & W Verona Ave/Epic Lane interchange and the US 18/151 & County G interchange.
Project work includes:
- County G interchange improvements including bridge widening, signalization of the ramp terminal intersections and
adding left turn lanes. - Eastbound and westbound auxiliary lanes will be added to US 18/151 between the County G and Verona Ave interchanges. To accommodate the auxiliary lanes, the bridges over the Sugar River will be widened and the Military Ridge Trail culvert will be extended both north and south.
- The bridge carrying the eastbound on-ramp from Verona Ave to US 18/151 will be widened to accommodate a second
lane. - An eastbound auxiliary lane will be added to US 18/151 between the West Verona Avenue and the WIS 69 interchanges.
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