Project Overview
Read News Release: I-41 Construction Begins
Project Location
Improvements will take place on 14.2 miles of I-41 between County D in Fond du Lac County and WIS 26 in Winnebago County.
Project need
The existing pavement and cable guard system (in the median) are both beginning to deteriorate and reach the end of their service life by the time of construction. The guardrail (bridges and ramps) will also be replaced to meet current safety standards. Drainage measures are needed to prevent water overtopping I-41 north of County Z to Black Wolf Avenue in the town of Nekimi, southern Winnebago County. A box culvert replacement will improve drainage.
Construction Scope
- Mill and overlay two (2) inches of asphalt in both lanes of I-41 in the project limits
- Replace cable barrier and guardrail along I-41 mainline and ramps
- Cable barrier protects motorists who cross into the median.
- Guardrail protects vehicles that run off the roadway at ramps, bridges and other locations with steep embankments.
- Miscellaneous structure maintenance work
- Miscellaneous culvert extension and slope flattening work
- Replace existing box culvert to address flooding issue north of County Z
Construction Schedule
- Construction begins October 21, 2024
- Construction is expected to conclude in October of 2025.
2024 specific construction
Box culvert extensions and culvert pipe extensions will take place between Military Road and WIS 26. Crews will also perform preparation work for 2025. This prep includes the creation of crossovers and shoulder widening at the north end of the project in preparation for the box culvert replacement in 2025.
Traffic impacts 2024
Culvert and prep work for crossovers and shouldering will be conducted under interstate lane closures during off-peak hours.
- Typical closure times are 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. on the weekends.
- Typical work weeks will be Monday night through Friday night.
Traffic impacts anticipated in 2025
Interstate 41: I will remain OPEN to traffic with lane and shoulder closures. During construction, drivers can expect the following restrictions:
- Mainline paving, cable barrier, guardrail, and I-41 structure maintenance will take place at night or during off-peak hours using lane closures.
- At least one lane of traffic will be maintained in each direction
- Motorists may encounter slowed traffic. Please pay attention
- Box culvert construction north of County Z
- Construct temporary crossovers
- Maintain 2 lanes in each direction during peak hours
Side roads: Overpass and structure work affecting off-interstate traffic for the following local, county and state roadways.
- Traffic impacts for County D, WIS 23, County OO, WIS 26
- Work will be conducted using lane closures and/or flagging operations
- Traffic impacts for County OOO, County OO (Scott Street), County Z, Lincoln Road
- Full closures are anticipated – Check back for locations and dates.
Temporary business signing
If business access is impacted by a closure or detour, temporary business signing may be placed by filling out a WisDOT business signing permit. All temporary business signing needs approval via the permit before placement to ensure it is in a safe location and does not pose a visual distraction or traffic hazard. The temporary business signing permit is free. Costs associated with creating the temporary sign are the responsibility of the business.
- Click the below link for instructions and a link to a fillable-form WORD application for the permit.
- Please email or mail the free permit to any of the contacts below.
For more information regarding temporary signing, plus tips and tools for businesses impacted by highway construction, please visit WisDOT’s In This Together business resource website.
Project contacts
A construction project leader will be onsite during construction. For all construction-related question, please contact the onsite project leader.
Onsite Project Construction Leader
Brooks Fechhelm, P.E., Construction Leader
Phone: 920-492-0597
Onside project field office
485 South Military Ave (1st Floor)
Fond du Lac WI, 54935
WisDOT Project Manager
Ryan Erdmann, P.E., Fond du Lac Project Manager
WisDOT Northeast Region
944 Vanderperren Way
Green Bay, WI 54304-5344
Phone: (920) 370-2642