WIS 32 (Shorewood) Rehabilitation

Milwaukee County

Project Details

This project will make various improvements to approximately 1.2 miles of WIS 32 (Lake Drive), from Edgewood Avenue to Kensington Boulevard in the village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County.

Improvements Include:

  • Replace existing pavement
  • Addition of on-street bike lanes
  • Install new traffic signals at WIS 190 (Capitol Drive) and WIS 32 (Lake Drive) intersection
  • Replace water mains and combined sewer lines
  • New sidewalks
  • Curb extensions at multiple intersections to improve pedestrian safety
  • Improve curb ramps to meet ADA standards
  • Concrete curb and gutter

View improved pedestrian and bicycle accommodations

Traffic Impacts:

WIS 32 (Lake Drive) will be closed to through traffic for the duration of construction. A single traffic lane will remain open for local access only.

Pedestrian access will be maintained on one side of the street during construction.

Construction Detour:

A detour will be posted for through traffic. The northbound and southbound WIS 32 detour will utilize Kenwood Avenue, Oakland Avenue, and Hampton Avenue.

Those looking to access Lincoln Memorial Drive are encouraged to use Kenwood Boulevard, Oakland Avenue, and Hampton Road to get around the closure.


Construction is scheduled to begin in February 2025 and be completed by late fall 2025. All work is weather dependent and subject to change.